I Used to Be Somebody: (Un)Retirement Lessons Learned

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Mark Shaiken Interview: Figuring Out What You Really Want!

Diana Landau | November 02, 2021

At the 32:23 time-mark, you can listen to Carl's updated short interview with Mark and hear news about his wonderful "afterlife" and learn about his first fiction novel, “Fresh Start”. The original interview aired one year ago.


Mark Shaiken talks with Carl about what comes next after a big career as a successful attorney.  Mark planned to take his life in an entirely different direction – as a writer. He has just released his first book, “And... Just Like That: Essays on a life before, during and after the law” and wants to eventually become a full-time author.


Mark grew up in Queens, NY and his family moved 11 times in 17 years. It was hard to make friends, only to move on again. In high school, he was envious of his friends who already knew what they wanted to do with their lives after graduation.  He eventually became engaged and took a law school admission exam on a whim, never imagining he would have a long career as a big-firm bankruptcy attorney. 


The "What's next? What else can I do?" questions started in his 50’s. The answers were not so easy. “It’s sort of a loaded question,” says Mark. “The truth is there are lots of things we can do.” He started joking about his "afterlife" because he thought he'd have to die to get out of law. 


"I knew I wanted to retire to something, not from something," Mark says. He allowed himself to dream, read career-pivot books, then found "Your Next Season," which inspired him to actually call the author at his home. Turns out the author had formed a company to help people during career transitions and Mark became a client. "I give myself credit for going outside myself for help when I needed it." It was a game-changer for him.


Today Mark is an amazing(!) sports and nature photographer while serving the Denver community on several Boards and teaching photography to veterans with PTSD. He has just released his second book, "Fresh Start" (the title from a bankruptcy code), a legal thriller, and is working on his third book. "It hasn't been a linear path to my afterlife," Mark tells us, "But I have wrapped up my law practice and I'm now happily a full-time novelist."


Mark's (Un)Retirement advice: 
  • The plan: "Some people retire, then figure it out. That may work, but it's not for me. I need something more structured."
  • Joining a Board or charity: "Fit is important. You have to believe in the mission."
  • Life tip: "Don't ever believe there's only one thing you can do!"
• Learn more about Mark Shaiken visit: https://www.markshaikenphoto.com/books/
• Sponsored this week by LoveMyHeartStudy.com: https://lowercholesterol.study/?utm_source=pickleball&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=lovemyheartstudy
Diana Landau is the Content Wrangler for Pickleball Media. After 15 years in corporate marketing, in 2012 she pivoted to write and wrangle content for Niche Media's weekly blog. She now manages the “I Used to Be Somebody” weekly blog.
Tags:    blog   mark shaiken   attorney   author   unretirement   career   law  

Don't trust anyone Over 30...Except our first 30 podcast guests!

Carl Landau | May 25, 2021
I'm not quite sure why I paused to reach out when we produced our 30th episode of I Used to be Somebody. The facts are that just a small percent of new podcasts actually hit 30 episodes. But I guess it's just that I'm having so much fun, our guests so inspire me, (and hopefully you!) and I'm happy to celebrate them! I'm happy to celebrate anything after the year we all just had.
Each week we get pretty attached to each guest. You really get a pretty good sense of who they are, what they've accomplished and what unretirement looks like for them. So I contacted our previous podcast guests and here's some of updates about what they're doing right now....

If you've accomplished something really cool, please let me know and we can share in future newsletters: podcast@pickleballmediahq.com

#1 Joe Pulizzi
"Well, as you know, I can't stay in retirement. New book launching May 25th Content Inc. and just launched the new media business for content entrepreneurs, The Tilt."
#2 Moira McGarvey Black
"My fourth book, a romantic comedy, came out this past February —  Love On The Line — and I have a new thriller out on May 28 called A Text Before Dying, which is book #5."
jim roddy #7 Jim Roddy
"I’ve launched a Walk-On Method Workshop that has generated tons of positive feedback from attendees of all ages – executives to staff to students about to enter the professional world. I was also named one of the world’s Top 100 Retail Influencers and named a Leading CannaTech Influencer."
Debb McColloch#10 Debb McColloch
"I continue to serve on my various Boards: Neighborhood Gardens Trust had a very successful fundraising campaign called Dig Deeper; Community Ventures completed an affordable housing development and won a Blue Ribbon Award.  I also learned a cool new quilting technique called Jelly Roll!"
#11 Mark Shaiken
"I have finished my next book, a bankruptcy law mystery called: “Fresh Start” which should be out the last part of June. I have started my next book, another bankruptcy law mystery called “Automatic Stay.” So, keeping busy in my new life!"
Richard Haiduck#14 Richard Haiduck
"New adventures include relocating to Pacific Grove, and also launching the audiobook version of Shifting Gears; 50 Baby Boomers Share Their Meaningful Journeys in Retirement."
Val Haller#18 Val Haller
"Hooray! Live music is coming back and I can't wait to get in front of those stages again; I'm getting tickets to make up for a year's worth of sitting at home.  And I'm excited to announce that we're bringing back our Winnetka Music Festival (N. Shore of Chicago) on Sept 11."
Mike Drak#20 Mike Drak
"Since last talking to you I have created a speaking tour, which we are quite excited about and I also hired a triathlon coach to make sure I make the starting line at Ironman Cozumel Nov/2022. I never thought I would pay someone to yell at me - I must be losing it."
#21 Ed Casey 

"I'm very excited to share with you that a lifelong dream was fulfilled since we spoke and my short film, "The Trial and the Tribulations of Sally" was a finalist in the Best Director Film Festival in the UK. Then, we won a Special Jury Award for Editing for "Sally" in the Europe Film Festival - both in April. " 
Caroline Ceniza-Levine#24 Caroline Ceniza-Levine
"I am currently on a 4-week road trip – from Jax, FL up to Columbus, OH and then west to NM and CO before heading back to Jax. I’m leading workshops for audiences in Asia and the US and coaching clients as far as the UAE, all while enjoying places I have never been -- proof positive that the digital nomad life is viable at any age."



To learn more about Pickleball Media or subscribe to the I Used to be Somebody newsletter go here!



Tags:    the carl diary   unretirement   interview   Joe Pulizzi   Moira McGarvey Black   Jim Roddy   Debb McColloch   Mark Shaiken   Richard Haiduck   Val Haller   Caroline Ceniza-Levine Drak     

Dream Team (Un)Retirement Advice

Diana Landau | January 01, 2021

There are so many well-meaning people full of advice for you on what to do in retirement. We say don’t retire! Consider doing something new and more meaningful. (Maybe not work 40 hours a week either.) Here’s some wise advice from our I Used to Be Somebody guests on taking the steps toward the (Un)Retirement of your dreams:


“It’s essential to find your new tribe, whether it’s a new organization, golf, etc. You have to get out there. Do not isolate. We need connection, we are social beings.” Joan Ryan, Sports Journalist and Best-Selling Author




“Your career was your identity. How do you want to redefine your identity now, for yourself and to others? ….Remember that you have a lot to give AND have a lot of experience. You have value!” - Deborah McColloch, Philadelphia’s Former Housing Chief 



“Keep your goals realistic and attainable. Think about what talents and skills you have honed throughout the years that could be an advantage in some new way.” - Moira McGarvey Black, Best-Selling Author




"I knew I wanted to retire to something, not from something." - Mark Shaiken, Award-Winning Photographer






"You will have other goals now and they will be very different. If you’ve been driving hard in your work life for 30-40 years, it’s hard to suddenly slow down. Creating a work life with more fun and less grind takes practice." - Joe Pulizzi, Godfather of Content Marketing



“Do something meaningful that has an impact for people-- that will in turn accelerate their success too.” -  Jim Roddy, Publisher, Author, Speaker





“When you do something new, you have to have a certain amount of patience.” - Barry Pincus, Former COO for NY Yankees, Martha Stewart and others 





“YOU choose what “balance” is and what work you take on. There’s so much to get involved in, you have to decide what you really want for you—first." - Michela O’Connor Abrams, CEO




“We get caught up in the troubles of life—the world, politics, family, etc. Life is short. Make an effort to enjoy it and be fulfilled.” - Richard Turner, Photographer, Poet and Author





“Take any door that opens and walk through it. If you work hard, people will help you to succeed.” - Bob Tuschman, Former Food Network Exec




“Don’t EVER retire! What’s so wonderful about life is that there are so many new surprises; you just have to look for them. “ - Mike Krukow, SF Giants Sports Broadcaster






Diana Landau is the Content Wrangler for Pickleball Media. After 15 years in corporate marketing, in 2012 she pivoted to write and wrangle content for Niche Media's weekly blog. She now manages the “I Used to Be Somebody” weekly blog.

Tags:    blog   retirement   advice   quotes   joan ryan   debb mccolloch   moira mcgarvey black   mark shaiken   joe pulizzi   jim roddy   bary pincus   michaela oconnor abrams   richard turner   bob tuschman   mike krukow  

Mark Shaiken Interview: Figuring Out What You Really Want!

Diana Landau | November 23, 2020
Mark Shaiken talks with Carl about what comes next after a big career as a successful attorney. Then Mark took his life in an entirely different direction. He has just released a new book, “And... Just Like That: Essays on a life before, during and after the law”.
The questions started in his 50’s-- “Well, what else can I do?” The answers were not so easy for him then. “It’s sort of a loaded question,” said Mark. “The truth is there are lots of things we can do.” Carl agreed that sometimes it’s easy to get stuck in something when you're pretty good at it. Decades can fly by.
Mark grew up in Queens and his family was on the move quite a bit as a child-- 11 times in 17 years. Mark said the main impact from that experience was that it was hard to make friends, only to move on again. In high school, he was envious of his friends who already knew what they wanted to do with their lives after graduation. 
He drove a forklift for awhile, still unclear about what to do. He became engaged and took the law school admission on a whim. He figured law school would give him 3 more years to figure out what he really wanted to do. Mark recognized a theme in his life, like “kicking the can,” (which in legal terms means “postponement.”) He never imagined then that he would actually become a practicing attorney.
Near graduation, a local bankruptcy judge was looking for a law clerk. Mark had to go back to school to actually take the bankruptcy course, but then worked for the judge. After a few years, unsolicited job offers kept coming and he and his wife moved to Houston and he accepted a position with a large firm. 
Mark and his family eventually moved to Kansas City, where he practiced for 28 years in “the big firm life”. Law was all encompassing, and with the internet came 10pm texts from opposing counsel. Most of his time was not his own. As he pondered his future, he humorously started calling it the "afterlife" because he thought he'd have to die to get out of law.
"I knew I wanted to retire to something, not from something," Mark said. He realized he had been "kicking the can" in his career choices and decided to do it differently this time. He allowed himself to dream, read career pivot books but most didn't resonate. Then he read the book "Your Next Season." The book made so much sense to him he called the author at his home and they had a wonderful talk.  The author had formed a company to help people during career transitions and Mark became a client. "I give myself credit for going outside myself for help when I needed it." It was a game changer for him.
Today Mark is an amazing(!) sports and nature photographer, while serving the Denver community on several Boards. One non-profit, Think 360 Arts for Learning introduces children from poor neighborhoods to the arts. Statistics show these kids are more likely to go onto higher education. Mark also teaches photography to veterans with PTSD.
Mark's (Un)Retirement advice: 
  • The plan: "Some people retire, then figure it out. That may work, but it's not for me. I need something more structured."
  • Joining a Board or charity: "Fit is important. You have to believe in the mission."
  • Life tip: "Don't ever believe there's only one thing you can do!"
To learn more about Mark Shaiken, visit his website.
For the full interview, listen to I Used to be Somebody, Episode #11 with Mark Shaiken.
Diana Landau is the Content Wrangler for Pickleball Media. After 15 years in corporate marketing, in 2012 she pivoted to write and wrangle content for Niche Media's weekly blog. She now manages the “I Used to Be Somebody” weekly blog.
Tags:    blog   interview   Mark Shaiken   photography   charity   unretirement  


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