I Used to Be Somebody: (Un)Retirement Lessons Learned

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Bob Tuschman Interview: Former Food Network Exec Now Gets Top Ratings at NYU

Diana Landau | September 21, 2021

Carl talks with Bob Tuschman, former Food Network Senior Vice President and General Manager. Plus he's had many other cool job titles, as you will learn. Bob realized even as a kid that when he grew up he wanted to be part of the entertainment world.

To say Bob worked his way up to the top is an understatement! Beginning with a job as an assistant producer on a set, (which means loading trucks at 5am, working long hours for little pay), he then seized the opportunity to work for research on a movie that Diana Ross was producing. Bob worked his way up there, eventually becoming Diana’s personal assistant and traveling the world with her.

After a short gig as an agent for actors, he returned to work for Diana when he again was presented with a new opportunity—to work as a producer for Good Morning America with ABC. Bob loved the work and advanced quickly in six years. Then it happened. While riding his bike in NYC, Bob was hit head on. He says of that time, “You can do everything right in your life and play by the rules and then get hit by a car tomorrow.” The experience made him really think hard about what he wanted to do in life and realized he wanted to try something new.

Bob left GMA and took a position as Executive Producer with this new start-up called the Food Network. The network had little budget and had been largely focused on “how-to” and learning shows. Under Bob’s management, the network moved toward entertainment and the rest is well known. Bob oversaw shows featuring Guy Fieri, Giada, Ina Garten, Bobby Flay and more.

After 16 years with the Food Network, Bob wanted to try something new again—but he knew he didn't want to work every day. He is now a professor at NYU/Stern and loving it. Some of his best advice to his students (and all of us, really): “Take any door that opens and walk through it. If you work hard, people will help you to succeed.”
Bob's unretirement success plan:
Bob decided not to craft a typical “bucket list". Instead, he created three distinct lists to make this next phase of life successful-- Curiosity, Adventure and Service. Under each category he listed all the things he’d like to accomplish. For example:
  • "Curiosity" would be all the things you want to learn, like a second language or how to play an instrument.
  • "Adventure" would include that mountain to climb, exotic place to visit, challenging yourself to do something that scares you.
  • "Service" is about committing some of your time to making your world better, through community service, volunteering, philanthropy.
• More About Bob Tuschman:
- https://www.foodnetwork.com/profiles/talent/bob-tuschman/bio
- https://www.stern.nyu.edu/faculty/bio/bob-tuschman
Diana Landau is the Content Wrangler for Pickleball Media. After 15 years in corporate marketing, in 2012 she pivoted to write and wrangle content for Niche Media's weekly blog. She now manages the “I Used to Be Somebody” weekly blog.
Tags:    blog   interview   Bob Tuschman   Food Network   Exec   NYU   Professor  

Dream Team (Un)Retirement Advice

Diana Landau | January 01, 2021

There are so many well-meaning people full of advice for you on what to do in retirement. We say don’t retire! Consider doing something new and more meaningful. (Maybe not work 40 hours a week either.) Here’s some wise advice from our I Used to Be Somebody guests on taking the steps toward the (Un)Retirement of your dreams:


“It’s essential to find your new tribe, whether it’s a new organization, golf, etc. You have to get out there. Do not isolate. We need connection, we are social beings.” Joan Ryan, Sports Journalist and Best-Selling Author




“Your career was your identity. How do you want to redefine your identity now, for yourself and to others? ….Remember that you have a lot to give AND have a lot of experience. You have value!” - Deborah McColloch, Philadelphia’s Former Housing Chief 



“Keep your goals realistic and attainable. Think about what talents and skills you have honed throughout the years that could be an advantage in some new way.” - Moira McGarvey Black, Best-Selling Author




"I knew I wanted to retire to something, not from something." - Mark Shaiken, Award-Winning Photographer






"You will have other goals now and they will be very different. If you’ve been driving hard in your work life for 30-40 years, it’s hard to suddenly slow down. Creating a work life with more fun and less grind takes practice." - Joe Pulizzi, Godfather of Content Marketing



“Do something meaningful that has an impact for people-- that will in turn accelerate their success too.” -  Jim Roddy, Publisher, Author, Speaker





“When you do something new, you have to have a certain amount of patience.” - Barry Pincus, Former COO for NY Yankees, Martha Stewart and others 





“YOU choose what “balance” is and what work you take on. There’s so much to get involved in, you have to decide what you really want for you—first." - Michela O’Connor Abrams, CEO




“We get caught up in the troubles of life—the world, politics, family, etc. Life is short. Make an effort to enjoy it and be fulfilled.” - Richard Turner, Photographer, Poet and Author





“Take any door that opens and walk through it. If you work hard, people will help you to succeed.” - Bob Tuschman, Former Food Network Exec




“Don’t EVER retire! What’s so wonderful about life is that there are so many new surprises; you just have to look for them. “ - Mike Krukow, SF Giants Sports Broadcaster






Diana Landau is the Content Wrangler for Pickleball Media. After 15 years in corporate marketing, in 2012 she pivoted to write and wrangle content for Niche Media's weekly blog. She now manages the “I Used to Be Somebody” weekly blog.

Tags:    blog   retirement   advice   quotes   joan ryan   debb mccolloch   moira mcgarvey black   mark shaiken   joe pulizzi   jim roddy   bary pincus   michaela oconnor abrams   richard turner   bob tuschman   mike krukow  

I'm Really Digging My New Gig!

Carl Landau | November 02, 2020

The best part of my new gig is the actual interviewing of the guests. Because of the pandemic almost all my interviews are done via an online recording service. My favorite part of my weekly conversation is actually after I stop recording and talk to that week's guest for a few minutes. The guest can relax and usually will talk about something personal or something really funny that they publicly don't want to say.


This week I was talking to Barry Pincus who is highlighted in this week's newsletter.  I was  telling Barry that if I wasn't doing this new gig, I would never have met him or the other really cool guests we've had. I even look forward to doing the prep for the interviews every week and learning something new from each guest.


After 8 episodes, I’ve: laughed so hard with Joe Pulizzi, the godfather of content marketing; met best selling author Moira McGarvey Black: reunited with former high school friend Bob Tuschman about his Food Network days: met (in person, at a distance!) hometown Sacramento hero Richard Turner; conversed with pioneering sports columnist and book author-- the legend Joan Ryan: learned from media giant Michela O'Connor Abrams about how to deal with tough life events; and relived my sports dreams with author and all around good guy Jim Roddy.


And then amazingly-- I just interviewed one of my personal heroes. Former SF Giants' star pitcher and broadcast royalty Mike Krukow is my guest for next week's episode. I was an awe-struck, nervous fan!


I feel so lucky these days. And have learned to challenge myself and of the power of doing something new and putting yourself out there!

Tags:    the carl diary   unretirement   joe pulizzi   moira mcgarvey black   bob tuschman   richard turner   michela oconnor abrams   jim roddy   barry pincus   interview   

Bob Tuschman Interview: Former Food Network Exec — Make an Adventurous Plan!

Diana Landau | September 29, 2020

In Episode 3 of our podcast, I Used to be Somebody, Carl talks with Bob Tuschman, former Food Network Senior Vice President and General Manager. (And many other cool job titles, as you will learn when you listen.) Bob realized even as a kid, he knew when he grew up he wanted to be part of the entertainment world.


To say Bob worked his way up to the top is an understatement! He seized the opportunity to work for research on a movie that Diana Ross was producing. Bob worked his way up there, eventually becoming Diana’s personal assistant and traveling the world with her. 


After a short gig as an agent for actors, he returned to work for Diana when he again was presented with a new opportunity—to work as a producer for Good Morning America with ABC. Bob loved the work and advanced quickly in six years.


Then it happened. While riding his bike in NYC, Bob was hit head on. He says of that time, “You can do everything right in your life and play by the rules and then get hit by a car tomorrow.” The experience made him really think hard about what he wanted to do in life and realized he wanted to try something new. 


Bob left GMA and took a position as Executive Producer with this new start-up called the Food Network. The network had little budget and had been largely focused on “how-to” and learning shows. The network moved toward entertainment and the rest is well known. Bob oversaw shows featuring Guy Fieri, Giada, Ina Garten, Bobby Flay and more. (Fun Fact: Their surveys and research showed that many people watching the shows don’t even cook!)


As the industry changed and more than 16 years with the Food Network, Bob wanted to try something new again—but he knew he didn’t want to work every day. He did not, however, create the typical “bucket list”—he made it into so much more. Bob created three lists in order to make this next phase of life successful: Curiosity, Adventure and Service. Under each category he listed all the things he’d like to accomplish. For example, Curiosity might include learning a foreign language. Adventure might mean biking across Italy. Service encompasses ways to service your community and make the world a better place. How could he do more meaningful work and get paid for it at the same time?


Bob had always wanted to teach and is now a professor at NYU/Stern and loving it. Some of his best advice to his students (and all of us, really): “Take any door that opens and walk through it. If you work hard, people will help you to succeed.”


For the full interview, listen to I Used to be Somebody, Episode #3 with Bob Tuschman. For listening details go to our website!

To learn more about Bob's previous career, check out his Food Network bio, and to learn more about what he's up to at NYU/Stern, check out his faculty bio!


Diana Landau is the Content Wrangler for Pickleball Media. After 15 years in corporate marketing, in 2012 she pivoted to write and wrangle content for Niche Media's weekly blog. She now manages the I Used to Be Somebody weekly blog. 

Tags:    blog   podcast   interview   try new things   food network   bob tuschman  


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