I Used to Be Somebody: (Un)Retirement Lessons Learned

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Drew Evans Interview: Creates his own (Un)Retirement -- The Pickleball Librarian

Diana Landau | December 13, 2022

Carl interviews Andrew Evans, JD, MLS, MAT this week. Drew is a man of many talents and the secret's out--librarians are tons of fun! After getting a law degree, Drew was Head of Reference and Adjunct Professor for the Washburn University of Kansas Law Library for 16 years. He also happens to be a black belt in the martial arts and taught self-defense and martial arts at Washburn's Kinesiology department. Among his many other accolades, Drew served as Parliamentarian for the Kansas Library Association and has been the recipient of the prestigious Kansas Library Association Presidential Award.


But Drew didn't stop there. After pivoting from law librarianship, he started his own Martial Arts studio, plus he's a legal research/editor/ law book reviewer and wait for it...............The Pickleball Librarian, a popular video influencer of all things Pickleball. His videos and blog posts reach players all over the world. He says he started saving for retirement as a young person and now that has allowed him to pursue all his passions.
Drew's father was in the military and this family has lived all over the world. Drew lived in Malaysia, Hawaii, Arizona, New Jersey and Colorado--all before college in Kansas. (Fun Fact: At least 50% of our podcast guests either are from military families or who had fathers who moved the family often for work.) Drew credits that experience with always being able to welcome the newcomer in the room.
He says being a martial arts expert helps his pickleball game. (The inherent eye-hand coordination and keen ability to anticipate opponents' moves in martial arts are a definite advantage on the courts.) Always a teacher and wanting to help others, Drew continues to teach martial arts and now also teaches pickleball. He's also still very busy as the Pickleball Librarian. "I'm a little resistant, but I'm exploring new developments in tech and social media. You have to try new things!"
At 52, Drew has already had a few careers. He says he might someday want to have a sales career in pickleball at the national level, but he's having too much fun at the moment. "Enjoy (un)retirement and embrace it!"


Drew's (Un)retirement Tips:
  • "It's good to develop a routine and it's easy to get caught up in playing pickleball (or other pursuits) all the time. But make sure to always schedule a physical rest day each week."
  • "Don't get "stuck" when you try new things. If it isn't fun, go on to something else."
  • "You have to find mentors at every stage of life. We still have those opportunities now--be humble and willing to learn."
Diana Landau is the Content Wrangler for Pickleball Media. After 15 years in corporate marketing, in 2012 she pivoted to write and wrangle content for Niche Media's weekly blog. She now manages the “I Used to Be Somebody” blog.


Tags:    Drew Evans   librarian   pickleball   martial arts   (Un)Retirement   The Pickleball Librarian   Blogger